Objective-C in the Cloud

Objective-Cloud Version 2 released

19 Nov 2013

We spent the last 12+ months to re-architect and re-think Objective-Cloud from the ground up. Let me summarize what we improved:

  • Encryption: You communicate with your apps via HTTP Secure by default.
  • Hardened Objective-C: We have implemented a mechanism that makes your code more robust. You don't have to do anything special. Hardened Objective-C is enabled by default.
  • Respond asynchronously: When you implement a method you can now easily use asynchronous APIs and return a result once you are done.
  • Restful web apps: You can easily develop Restful web apps.
  • Open source: A few months ago we began to open source some of our core technologies. We did this because we believe in open source and want to contribute back to the community.
  • and a lot more

Starting today, we will let in new users a lot more quickly than in the past. If you have not yet received your invite hang tight for just a little longer. In any case you can already use Objective-Cloud locally. You can try almost every feature without an invite code.

Introduction Video

We is actually just Amin, myself and friends like Stefan Reuter and Fabian Schmidt who helped us with their expertise. So we are a small team. We are learning new things about running Objective-C in the cloud every day. If you find something that is not working properly you can send us an email.

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