A few days ago we have deployed an update of Objective-Cloud Connect. Before I show you what the update has in store I would like to mention that Objective-Cloud Connect is now running on Objective-Cloud as a regular cloud application! This was not always the case. Objective-Cloud Connect started as a small Ruby/Sinatra application. It was clear from day 1 that we would be better off in the long-term to have Objective-Cloud Connect running as a normal cloud application. So, during the past weeks we ported Objective-Cloud Connect from Ruby/Sinatra to Objective-Cloud. It is not just a 1:1 port. We have added a few new features to Objective-Cloud Connect itself and to Objective-Cloud.
New Objective-Cloud Features
We have added a few minor features to Objective-Cloud. Although they are minor you should know about them!
- Cookies: OCFRequest and OCFResponse allow you to set/get cookies.
- Database Connection auto-reset: By default PGCConnection is resetting itself when the connection became bad. This is useful because you don't have to worry about your connection status anymore. Once you have a PGCConnection object it will work all the time. A bad connection is usually the result of a problem with the database server.
- Static files: OCFCloudApp has a new method which allows you to serve static files/resources like images, CSS and Javascript files.
- Terrasphere 5.1: Terrasphere is now a menu bar app.

New Objective-Cloud Connect Features
Since Objective-Cloud Connect is now a cloud application you can expect much quicker improvements in the future. Here is a quick overview of the new features:
Redeploy and Delete Applications
You can now redeploy and delete your cloud applications at any time. If you redeploy your application Objective-Cloud will pull the latest version of your app in order to build and deploy it again. This is useful in many scenarios. The delete action allows you to delete your cloud application and start over. If you delete an application the name of it is still reserved for you. Nobody can ever register an application you once owned.

Build Logs
Every time we build your application (because you pushed it to us or ordered a redeploy) you will now receive the a build log via e-mail. This allows you to see if your app could be built or not.

Estimation of Deployment Progress
When you create or redeploy an application we now estimate the time the deployment process needs in order to finish it's job. The estimate is visualized by a progress bar.