Objective-C in the Cloud


This is our blog. We will report regularly about Objective-Cloud itself and about technical stuff that we would like to share. You can subscribe to this blog by using the atom feed.

#12: Objective-Cloud is obsolete (03 Jun 2014)

tl;dr: Why one will continue with Objective-Cloud?

#11: Paid Plans available (02 Jun 2014)

tl;dr: Paid Plans available now. Starting at 19 € / month Read more...

#9: Client Framework available (27 Jan 2014)

tl;dr: The Objective-Cloud client framework is now available for both iOS and OS X. It makes integration of Objective-Cloud into a client application super easy. Read more...

#8: Eat your own dog food update (13 Jan 2014)

tl;dr: Objective-Cloud Connect is now much better (delete and redeploy apps at any time). In addition you can now get and set cookies, serve static files and don't have to worry about your database connection becoming bad anymore. Read more...

#7: Public Beta and other great Stuff (17 Dec 2013)

tl;dr: Starting today, Objective-Cloud is in public beta. Invite codes are a thing of the past. Read more...

#6: PostgreSQL on Objective-Cloud (13 Dec 2013)

tl;dr: Starting today you can create PostgreSQL databases with just one click. Happy coding folks! Read more...

#5: Objective-Cloud Version 2 released (19 Nov 2013)

tl;dr: We spent the last 12+ months to re-architect and re-think Objective-Cloud from the ground up. We spent the last 12+ months to re-architect and re-think Objective-Cloud from the ground up. Let me summarize what we improved: Encryption, Hardened Objective-C, asynchronous responses, support for Restful web apps and a lot more. Read more...

#4: Objective-Cloud update - New way of linking and CocoaPods (19 Jun 2013)

tl;dr: I would like to give you a short update on what is going on with Objective-Cloud. We have started the private beta about two weeks ago and slowly began to invite people in. The feedback we got was very constructive and helpful. Thank you all for that. Read more...

#3: New local version of Objective-Cloud available (28 Feb 2013)

tl;dr: We have exciting news to share with you today. Not too long ago we released the local test environment that you can use to develop and test your Objective-Cloud services locally. For the last couple of weeks we worked hard on improving the local test environment and we would like to share the new local test environment with you. First things first: From now on the local test environment is called Terrasphere and you will love it. Read more...

#2: Local Test Environment available (17 Dec 2012)

tl;dr: The local test environment is available now. Only stateless cloud services at the moment. 31. Jan. 2013 launch of the private Beta. More complex stuff will be available shortly. Read more...

#1: Hello World! (15 Dec 2012)

tl;dr: This is what you expect from this blog: Announcments from small to big and posts about the internals of Objective-Cloud. Read more...